Monday, April 4, 2016

Logos post

I like the balance of red and yellow, two colors that are powerful and attract attention. I also like how the logo has the same shape on the top and bottom with a crest like shape in the middle with further illustrations. The finishings on the end on the top and bottom make it  more distinct and the balls on the sides complete it.

I like how the next five are directly staring at the viewer and have a clear focal point. They have one background color that adds to the message being delivered.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

  1. I believe that my stance is clear with my poster because it contains a few of Donald Trump's outrageous and controversial comments that a Trump supporter would definitely not include. It also uses the American flag as it's background/platform and the traditional red and white stripes, along with the black font helps the words stand out, and attract the readers attention. With Trump himself replacing the stars in the corner with a black background with a mysterious look on his face.
     2. I do not feel that I was completely successful in recreating my poster idea digitally. The       
original thumb nails and drafts had a clear focal point while the digital version has three elements competing for the immediate attention. The red and white stripes, the words, and the image of Trump.

     3 . Aside from the switch to no dominant focal point in favor of a combination of focal points, i also use fewer colors in the final digital version. Red, white, and black, are all very powerful colors and are the only ones present. These three colors alone deliver a more stern and direct message, with clear understanding of what they represent. 

    4. My poster is strongest in the concept category as it's obvious what my stance on Donald Trump is. My American flag being taken over by Trump, who is shown in a dark, sus, and  intimidating image. My weakest area is skill and technique because I do have a few rough edges and some lines could be executed more smoothly. 

5. The most challenging part concept wise how to separate this poster from other Trump posters, and to have Donald Trump literally taking over the American flag says a lot about what kind of President he would be.

6. Technically the most difficult part was adding the sentences to the stripes because some are longer then others. I also had to make a balance between the red and white.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Whats your stance Assignment: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Since 2011, over 11 million Syrians have been killed or forced to flee their country. Over 165,000 refugees have fled to Germany and Sweden alone with thousands more daily. The countries surrounding Syria are overwhelmed and their resources have been exhausted. European countries besides Germany and Sweden must to better in offering asylum, it isn't fair for two countries to take in the vast majority of refugees in the continent. I was in Sweden this past summer and was able to speak to a few refugees as they shared with me some of their personal experiences with me, and made it clear that other countries should do more. "There could be 800,000 applications for asylum in Germany this year, and the country could take 500,000 refugees annually for several years, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has said." Sweden joins Germany in demonstrating a high standard of responsibility in the refugee crisis, and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven joined Merkel at a press conference this week in urging a Europe-wide solution for hosting refugees." -CNN

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

1.     My self concept is that achieving your desired goal can be accomplished although it might not necessarily include the most pleasant or effective method, no matter how important or insignificant the given task may be. Winning ugly is better then not winning at all. The man in my GIF simply aimed to reach the bottom of the staircase but ended up losing his balance and falling down head first, and severely injuring himself in the process. I arrived at this idea because I usually accomplish my goals, one way or another


3. Originally my GIF was attended to represent death and clumsiness, I then realized that he the man could at least take away some positives at great expense. It shows that something unintended does not only have to be negative. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Underwater Chilling

My  concept  is  being  in  an  unnatural  location/  habitat.  I'm  standing  normally  as  I  would  on  land,  however  being  underwater  counters  the  norm  and  the  expected.  It  delivers  a  message  of  being  at  piece  with  the  out  of  place  and  unity  of  two  foreign  or  opposite  parts  of  the  planet.  As  I  am  standing  with  a  relaxed  posture,  in  no  tense  position,  as  one  would  expect  when  being  underwater,  a  sense  of  unity  is  introduced  throughout.
Although  I  lost  part  of  my  work  as  the  computer  was  restarted,  i  am  generally  happy  with  the  results.

I  added  layer  masks  in  order  to  hide  pixels  on  the  previous  layer.  First  I  selected  "add  layer  mask"  Then  I  hit  control  click and  selected  large  thumbnails.  White  reveals  while  black  hides.  I  used  black  in  order  to  hide  the  previous  layer  and  show the  water.