Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Whats your stance Assignment: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Since 2011, over 11 million Syrians have been killed or forced to flee their country. Over 165,000 refugees have fled to Germany and Sweden alone with thousands more daily. The countries surrounding Syria are overwhelmed and their resources have been exhausted. European countries besides Germany and Sweden must to better in offering asylum, it isn't fair for two countries to take in the vast majority of refugees in the continent. I was in Sweden this past summer and was able to speak to a few refugees as they shared with me some of their personal experiences with me, and made it clear that other countries should do more. "There could be 800,000 applications for asylum in Germany this year, and the country could take 500,000 refugees annually for several years, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has said." Sweden joins Germany in demonstrating a high standard of responsibility in the refugee crisis, and Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven joined Merkel at a press conference this week in urging a Europe-wide solution for hosting refugees." -CNN